You know, within the last few weeks, I have sat back and truly observed Football on different levels with the hopes of discovering what are some of the keys to becoming a great team. Of course, having a good coach and quality players is always very key to elevating the level of competition that a team is capable of. However, the main thing I see that is consistent across the board is proper preparation each week and treating it as if it is a championship game.
Coaches who prepare their teams well each week will ALWAYS be more successful than the under-prepared coach, no matter how good he may be. With that being said you may ask "Well what are the things a coach should focus on?" Those things that are most important are:
1. Disciplined at ALL TIMES
2. Working with what you have
3. Instill the attitude of never quitting
4. Critiquing film with your players
5. Scheming for each opponent.
6. Exuding Confidence, NOT Arrogance
These things should be common sense, but they are all CRUCIAL to gaining a victory. Each one of these items are all very important and can be the difference in a game when times get tough. Items 1 and 6 to me are the things that will make or break your team. A coach who I have watched, who has done a great job at this has been Rex Ryan. I know everyone says Rex, has "Frat House" going on in NY with the Jets, however each week his team remains disciplined to their technique and scheme and the exude confidence on and off of the field. This is shown, week after week, when his team has been down, and come back to win to allow them to get to a 9-2 record. These tools and items are all truly focus points and when you take the time to focus on these 6 things, you WILL win games and be a successful program.
I leave you with this: “The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur.” (Vince Lombardi)
JP aka Coach Poindexter
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