Hey, how's it going everyone. Sorry for a lapse in posting, I have been busy adjusting to Graduate School, moving and countless other things.
Today, I decided to talk about a topic that a lot of people do not truly know much information about. Most people want to know: How do I become a college coach? How do I get college coaching experience? Well folks, while there is no set path to becoming a Collegiate Coach, but, having a Graduate Assistantship, will definitely help you on your path.
A Graduate Assistantship provides a Graduate student at most Colleges and Universities with experience in a field that they would wish to get into upon graduation from their respected programs. They help to provide professional experience in a relevant field of employment within the University you attend. Bigger schools provide more funding for these programs and can at times pay for your housing, tuition and provide you with a stipend.
For those that are interested in coaching a college sport, contact the programs that you would wish to involve yourself in for further information. Reach out to any and all programs of interest in order to get that first start.
For Football check: www.footballscoop.com
For Baseball check: www.collegebaseball360.com
These two websites may lead you directly to an assistantship, however, they will let you know sometimes where new coaches are being hired, coaches are leaving or just basic news about your program.
Keep in mind all new coaches need volunteers!! Its just a start, so volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. Coach because you love the sport not for the money and work your way "up the ladder".
For all other inquiries dealing with athletics contact your University!
Hopefully this information gave you a little bit of a start, stay tuned for more information to come!
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, a bird sings because it has a song"
-Lou Holtz